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    1. Past hour
    2. Going to be passed over twice and need some advice.

      CaptainMorgan replied to Smaggy's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      Get your R-ATP, find a job with Breeze or a regional. As far as finding a reserve unit, will you be done with PIT and at your new base before your board results come out? If so, I’d suggest building a good rapport with the reservists there and trying to get gained by them once you decline continuation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      • Just now
      • 1 reply
    3. CaptainMorgan started following Going to be passed over twice and need some advice.

    4. Russian Ukraine shenanigans

      Lord Ratner replied to 08Dawg's topic in General Discussion

      That's because you (not really you, but your troll persona) are quite apparently dumb enough to think that anyone here means "we won't be able to print enough currency to cover these bills" when they say "we can't afford it." Absolutely nobody is referring to the Federal Reserve's ability to create dollars. No one. Not one single person here. Because humans don't speak semantically in raw literal declaratives. What they are saying is that the process of printing money (issuing new debt, creating it out of thin air, adding it to the ledger, however you insist on portraying it) to cover these expenses will, as it always has, destabilize the currency in a way that will at a minimum negatively impact the purchasing power of the population, or at the extremes, destabilize the entire society such that the status quo falls apart. "We can't afford this" is no more a statement of monetary capacity than it is when a military/airline parent says "I can't afford to miss another soccer game or dance recital." Normal people don't have to explain such simple context to the participants of a conversation, but apparently we would have to dumb it down for you keep up. Fortunately, your participation is neither necessary or beneficial to the conversation, so I doubt we will spend too much time trying. I'm taking a sh*t right now, so I have a little free time to indulge.

      • 31 minutes ago
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    5. Today
    6. Guard only if war is declared?

      Clark Griswold replied to Clark Griswold's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      Concur again The Russians and Chinese have it right, you’re always at war/conflict it’s just a matter of how much at any one time - info/economics/espionage to grey zone to kinetic to nukes - all or some of it ongoing all the time While I get the idea the practical implications are not possible I’d rather see outsiders breaking into the political system with military experience try to make the chattering and administration classes uncomfortable with a modernized draft for basic military and infantry training with a period of eligibility of call to service and mandatory musters / drills / exercises Not AD service unless needed but required to train and be eligible for call up I think that has a chance of being enacted (low) and would accomplish the intended effect of putting all of society into the situation where the real question of whether or not a mission is worth it would be debated along with also seeing the costs in their yearly taxes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      • 2 hours ago
      • 5 replies
    7. Going to be passed over twice and need some advice.

      Smaggy posted a topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      Good morning all, First off I apologize if this isn't the right forum for this but I need some advice on how to proceed with my situation. I am currently an AD O-3 with approximately 3 years of flying experience (late-to-rate), and have already been passed over for Major on the initial attempt. To make things more complicated, I am currently at PIT with my graduation date not slated till about Jan-Mar, which will have been passed the board convene date for my second look. If passed over again I will TRY and find a flying job in the civilian sector, but due to my current hours it is making it difficult for me to find a job (TBNT from United through their UMPP). I have about 1000 hours with maybe another 200-300 hours before I separate. My current plan is to find a T-6 reserve unit and hope they hire me on AGR orders for a year or so to build hours, or maybe go to a Guard or Reserve unit where my old MWS. How should I go about contacting the potential guard/reserve units? What advice, if any, do you have for someone in my situation?

      • 2 hours ago
      • 1 reply
    8. German Chicks in Dirndls and Beer (NSFW)

      M2 replied to M2's topic in Squadron Bar

      • 2 hours ago
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    9. German Chicks in Dirndls and Beer (NSFW)

      M2 replied to M2's topic in Squadron Bar

      It's getting close to that time again, gentlemen! Dirndls and a Devil's Wheel, who says the Germans don't know how to have fun?!?

      • 2 hours ago
      • 286 replies
    10. What's wrong with the Air Force?

      tac airlifter replied to Catbox's topic in General Discussion

      Whoever answered you that way is shortsighted. It's true the command is experiencing an identity crisis, as is SOCOM so trickle down is natural. And it's true GWOT TTPs were crafted with uncontested airspace assumptions But an aggressive, creative and risk accepting culture (which thrives in AFSOC despite attempts to squash it) will always be relevant in every fight. And there are many exciting COAs just waiting for circ*mstances befitting their use.

      • 4 hours ago
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    11. Russian Ukraine shenanigans

      Random Guy replied to 08Dawg's topic in General Discussion

      Everyone understands. You understand that. I understand it. Why is there any discussion of "can we afford it?" or "how do we pay for it"? No one is interested in the change to acceptance of USD, instead people here are b*tching about nominal quantities of USD created by the gov. People don't even bother to think about the nominal quantities of private debt for financial transactions. What's up with this? None of you are in a vacuum, right?

      • 5 hours ago
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    12. Russian Ukraine shenanigans

      Random Guy replied to 08Dawg's topic in General Discussion

      Yeah, what did you want to talk about.

      • 5 hours ago
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    13. What's wrong with the Air Force?

      SocialD replied to Catbox's topic in General Discussion

      I can't remember, what did she do, buy a Suburu Outback with her GTC?

      • 5 hours ago
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    14. What's wrong with the Air Force?

      brabus replied to Catbox's topic in General Discussion

      What’s not applicable? Special Operations?

      • 6 hours ago
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    15. Lawman started following Guard only if war is declared?

    16. Guard only if war is declared?

      Lawman replied to Clark Griswold's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      But that’s part of the problem with this bill…. Long term stabilization and the wider DOD mission is not in its self “war.” The number of engineering assets that reside in the guard which are specifically critical to any post reconstructive get things back in order mission would prevent this from ever being possible. We still have guard units supporting missions in places like Kosovo and it’s been decades since that was active combat. Similarly the entire concept of out of support missions becomes this grey area that would be impossible to satisfy everybody on. “Hey doc you’re mobilizing to go augment the hospital in Spain/Germany/etc because we are deploying that units personnel to combat.” Or look at all the support personnel sitting in logistics hubs and theatre SSAs because while we conduct the war in a particular COCOM we have requirements outside it which also funnel through there. How does that count or not when the combat is clearly in _____ and all these people on orders are not physically in the combat zone. How many echelons removed does one have to be from active combat to now deploy abroad, because you’re taking that decision away from commanders to decide. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      • 11 hours ago
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    17. Danger41 - Rest in Peace - Updated

      di1630 replied to ClearedHot's topic in Squadron Bar

      Very sad news. Nickel Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

      • 12 hours ago
      • 31 replies
    18. The Next President is...

      SurelySerious replied to disgruntledemployee's topic in Squadron Bar

      Since he considers himself one of the greatest orators of all time, chances arrrrrreeee…

      • 12 hours ago
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        • trump
        • clinton
        • (and 2 more)

          Tagged with:

          • trump
          • clinton
          • doomed
          • disaster
    19. The Next President is...

      uhhello replied to disgruntledemployee's topic in Squadron Bar

      Mr. Trump. Please please please just shut the f*ck up. Its shut the f*ck up Friday tomorrow. Then shut the f*ck up Saturday and so on. You gain nothing by opening your mouth. I'm voting this year strictly off past performance and projected performance. One will keep this country around for a few more years and the alternative might not. Please. Shut the f*ck up.

      • 13 hours ago
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        • trump
        • clinton
        • (and 2 more)

          Tagged with:

          • trump
          • clinton
          • doomed
          • disaster
    20. Guard only if war is declared?

      Clark Griswold replied to Clark Griswold's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      Concur I think I get the sentiment of the proposed bill but the reality of our force structure makes this a nonstarter The bill itself really only refers to the national guard and I think you can infer the intent as no more national guard for long term stabilization missions but if it were actually enacted I think the ANG would get roped in Still the idea of raising the bar to make overseas adventures to filter out poor choices by politicians is intriguing My 2 cents would be to make all overseas operations of the US military funded explicitly by a set formula on individual tax returns with a progressive tax rate, $0-50k at 1% of your AGI, above $50k to 150k at 1.5%, etc… the problem is that feedback mechanism of actually seeing and feeling the financial costs have been negated by intermingled money (revenues and deficit spending) by the federal government Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      • 13 hours ago
      • 5 replies
    21. Russian Ukraine shenanigans

      ViperMan replied to 08Dawg's topic in General Discussion

      The only point of taxation is to generate demand for dollars. Demand for dollars forces you to work for dollars so you can pay the government in their currency. You know, render unto Caesar and all... MMT makes the case that you can print an unlimited amount of currency and pay all of your debts in it. That's a sophistic truism, and is the core of @Random Guy's world view. It's alien to the rest of us because the rest of us understand that we don't live in a vacuum. Once other people stop accepting FRNs, or start denominating transactions in something else, the game is up. That's it. It's that simple. You are a chicken on a tax farm. For the time being.

      • 14 hours ago
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    22. What's wrong with the Air Force?

      jice replied to Catbox's topic in General Discussion

      You’re not asking the right people outside of AFSOC.

      • 14 hours ago
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    23. Russian Ukraine shenanigans

      SurelySerious replied to 08Dawg's topic in General Discussion

      Sir, this is a Wendy’s. The AI bot probably wants a substack where it just publishes its copy and paste bs while it doesn’t have to deal with all of us stupid people, but seems to have gotten sidetracked.

      • 14 hours ago
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    24. What's wrong with the Air Force?

      Magellan replied to Catbox's topic in General Discussion

      Not Applicable in the high end near peer fight if you ask anyone outside of AFSOC.

      • 14 hours ago
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    25. Scooter14 started following Guard only if war is declared?

    26. Guard only if war is declared?

      Scooter14 replied to Clark Griswold's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      I get what he’s trying to do but… For example 55-60% of AMC’s capability residing in the Reserve Component that’s an impossible task. I think there’s 18 ANG tanker wings, probably the same number or more ANG C-130 wings. Add in C-17 wings, the aforementioned examples with the B-2, the F-15EX, etc. and that’s just the Air side. Add in all the Army Guard capes on top of that (HIMARS, Apaches, etc) plus all the manpower. That’s a lot of capability to have sidelined waiting for the declaration of war, which according to the interwebs, hasn’t happened since WWII. Besides, every CODEL out there is trying to get the newest stuff for their state and concurrent fielding of the KC-46, F-35, F-15EX with the Active component. Sheehy’s legislation would not sit well with those states. The ANG would be back to flying the sloppy seconds like they did in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      • 15 hours ago
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    27. Guard only if war is declared?

      Flev replied to Clark Griswold's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      This bill is stupid when you actually consider what airframes are in the Guard. Specifically the B-2 comes to mind... What about units with very specific capabilities like the 109th? This would imply either re-missioning a lot of squadrons or trying to bring them back under AD like they tried with the ANG space groups.

      • 15 hours ago
      • 5 replies
    28. Russian Ukraine shenanigans

      raimius replied to 08Dawg's topic in General Discussion

      This is a forum... dialogue is the point.

      • 16 hours ago
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    29. Yesterday
    30. Clark Griswold started following Guard only if war is declared?

    31. Guard only if war is declared?

      Clark Griswold posted a topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves

      Saw this on Breitbart If passed which I think it would not would cause the ANG to be questioned why it is needed then as its capabilities it has would be very difficult to access Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      • 19 hours ago
      • 5 replies
    32. B-1 Down at Ellsworth

      Pooter replied to Fly4five's topic in General Discussion

      Since I posted the link with zero context.. BLUF: the Tony Carr (formerly JQP) rips the B-1 AIB a new one. Specific issues he brings up: -Sq/cc’s being criticized for manning shortages entirely out of their control -strange contextual omissions throughout -potential conflict of interest with the board pres being in direct career competition with the people he’s investigating -does no root cause analysis on why aircrew CRM/GK/experience/skill level were low enough to result in a crash -OG/CC firing timing looks to be directly the result of AIB backlash and done reluctantly, Potentially indicating daylight between the SIB and AIB -alleges deep culture problems but bends over backwards not to implicate anyone above the squadron level

      • 23 hours ago
      • 110 replies
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    Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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    Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

    Birthday: 1999-09-15

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    Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

    Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.