The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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The Lexington Heraldi

Lexington, Kentucky

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THE LEXINGTON HER ALE) This Date In History VaHwBar kuM Interna 1 IN Ta kk SaalHa kmi Mi iw mi Iiiwm IBaMisa Cnr umnm Mi Mill iiiikviaa UM Tk Ml Baa Ite Inivtwk mm Mi IW MUM latertaa II Prim Misistcr Charehm ta to GnuHflM vpw Ifct to wriuto IMS Fourteen Pages Today Lexington Ky Saturday Morning January 18 1958 Price 5c Vol 88 No 16 Traffic Toll Is Stronger Than Head Of Joint Chiefs Of Staff Says Military Is Not As Weak--As' Described In Recent Weeks WASHINGTON Jan 17 A top military planner and an aircraft pioneer today applied brighter colors to the (lark defense picture presented to Senate probers in recent weeks Gen Nathan Twining chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the senators "we are not today in my judgment in a position of Inferior strength vls-a-via the Soviet Union" News Roundup Bill To Hike Debt Ceiling Is Approved House Group Okays Request To Increase Limit By $5 Billion WASHINGTON Jan 17 With the govern-i ment scraping the bottom of its cash box Congress moved swiftly today in initial action to raise the! national debt limit from' 275 to 280 billion dollars Less than four hours after Secretary of the Trea-j sury Anderson reported the1 cash balances running "distressingly low" the House Ways and Means Committee approved a bill increasing the debt ceiling by five billion dollars until June 30 1959 The mcMwe was senTto the House by 30-3 cwnmlflM vote with Iwo Republicans and one Democrat voting no The dia-mm wore reported to be Reps Uarrtooa (D-Val Byraea iR-Wu) ad Mason (R-U Before Hie flail vote a move to hold the increase to three btt-Hna dottan was shoaled down TMo proposal la hold the ceil ins blllina dollars was opoo-orrd Iqr Byraea The bill to scheduled far a House veto ant Tuesday If passed will Ihea so to the Bessie wbers Chs Irmas Byrd (D-Vai of the Seasla Financo Commltlea haa scheduled a hear Ins far Jan 17 Treaaury officials said the measure would give them seeded Francis Elmer Lacier 27 of Saa flnillWiy la meeting UM covers- Francises Elmer Roscoe Ealoa mem's financial requirement XT CsrMa and Daniel Duane They said the added banvwiag Manna S7 of Carthase to prevkto cMh the leauiie Evetya Berdtou II of hUto during Fraactsco sad Thehna La FITK Budget Director sp hla kai la a Hauie Offics pid hto hat and brief case dawa lealifytaf hciarc the Haaae appart af legialaliaa to raiaa to MS biUlM daflara Six Are Corbin Bank All six defendant pleaded rullly and received prlsoa lenns far the 913942 bank robbery tort Nov a at CsrMa yesterday to District Court Meied 8-year (emu far the actual rabbity jdua coacurrem 5-year tenna far- sonapirary to! rob Iht South Corbin branch of the Flrrt National Bank were sure of the future If we will put our energie to the task" Hb view wm supported by Donald Dougtea Sr chair-sored farm today Twining as-1 mao of th board of Douglas Air-serted I craft whs testified today tho forces are strong 1 vug aiaamj ewwe ukuua Artifift miuk hattlir enough now to win if war ta thrust upon and are can take In testimony given-to the Senate pwporednem subcommittee Tuesday- and released ia cen been doing a much totter Job of keeping pacn with any potential enemy than the public Percival Brandsge-stooped to pick baildiag esrridiir yeaierday Brssdage white tohlaf to newsmen after Ways sad Meaaa CammHieo la the federal drbt ceUtog bam CT (AP WireplMtol PEAK PERFORM ERS-Thrre men am stows temporary framework near the peak of the Washington Monoment which rises iSi feet I 11 inches atom the capital A new Ughtlng system la telag Installed to wars afaplonoo when they are near Uw lofty obelisk Window at left aad at bottom of scaffold are those (ram which thanaaodi of toarfata aaaaaDy get a high view af thn cHy This picture wm made (ram a toBesptar (AP Wlrephota) Convicted In Robbery Fayette Projects I ncluded As State Reveals 205 Miles Of Road Projects Benson Given Rugged Time By Senators Ag Committee Raps New Farm Program Sought By President WASHINGTON jam 17 The Eisenhower new farm program got off to a stormy start in Congress today when Secretary of Agriculture Benson went before a Senate committee to back it up The bespectacled dignified Benson ran into a barrage of hostile comments Chairman Ellender )-La) and other critics on the Senate Agriculture Committee wm Ite way EL lender deicrited some atotoments la Benaoa'a M-paga script Federal Trad Commb-sfan would rule out a fob advertising" Mid Sen Humphrey iD-Mlso) of ena portion "There nothing fab it" Benson retorted Sarto To Mollify Critics Benson sought to mollify farm tola critic at cm point hr Hying to might never cat price supports all the way dowa to 8 per cent af parity eves if Congress granted his requeat far authority to go Hut low we'll not need to go that low" Benson said you need It why ere you asking far Encoder demanded know you fast want the but whet you get yoe ere goto! to use "I contemplate 8 per ent of partly" Benaon finally told EUeader Might Act TUs Ye Benaon abo said he might act to Increase planting allotineuti this year instead af waking anti 88 Congress approves the program The legblattoa would give the agriculture secretary discretionary authority to tacreiM planting allotments far wheat cotton rice tobacco and peanuts much 50 per cent above level now provided ite markets were available 1 The adminiatrsl Ion's for authority to net price supports on basic crape aad dairy products between and 8 per cent cf parky in non of tte moat conuavaninl Jtomn la -the Jl-point program submitted by President Eisenhower Thursday The present minimum fa 75 per cent of parky Standard Far CempoHaf Price Perky a standard far computing farm prices declared by tew to to fair to farmers to rote! ioa to their Cbeta Ia hb prepared statenieBt fin-tom said "the legfatottoo wd are aahiag far should have been provided at Uu end of Hu Hc said termers would be teller ell today had toco Ha described Um present 75-8 per cent range aa narrow to permit tte expansion ef markets naeded absorb thn increased production which our farms will hkeiy realises" Deesat Share Ctosmy Opfatan Dougtea aaid emphatically he share gtoomy ephr ten of many that the race far WMpoa supremacy has ton tort forever and Hut we an permanently doomed to the role ef a secondary power" TO thin wm added report from A Kindriberger of North American Aviation Inc Hut hta company fa working on a much larger racket engtae suitable tor satellite stattoM end af Auxier 5J miles grade fasta end Ugh type surface Beth County Owingivilte-Olympia reed two-lane from the south curb line of Meta Street (U 8 8) ta Owingivilte to south city limits cf Owingivilte five-tenth mile grade drata end high type surface Fayette Lexington relief route four lane from end cf interchange ramp approximately 1009 feet east of UA 8 to cto of Interchange ramp approximately 1000 feet south of UA 81 LI miles grade drata and high type euface Keeton Covlngtoo-Lex-ington six lane interstate from Fifth Street ta Covington to Maple Avenue Ft- Mitchell IJ miles grade and drain Kenton (Covingtoe-Lex-iwgfiiy interstate) denolitiw tot and the Utter to ba served following the 10-year term Waald raw Panto Judge Church Ford told Mmcm Hud because he haa do prior record of serious offenses he would recommend parole if Manes conducts himself property in prison He would to eligible after serving one-third of his term Sentences were passed after Atty Henry Cook gave the following account of the robbery: Lucirr Elmer Eaton Monesa and the two womra came to Covington shortly before Hie robbery where they mqt Ernest Eat no AD hut the tetter drove to CrtrbiB together and the younger Eat no drove to Corbin to hi S7ktar8-w shortcoming of onr pool Mm to a Bate rasa TMa The six met la a motel at Cnrbta and discussed further plans The men went to Teanea-r to ileal a ear but were unsuccessful They did steal 'a Tennessee license plate far wm la Hie robbery The actual robbery wm commit led by Locicri and Manes who tank the money at revolver point Elmer Ealoa waited outside white the two nromeo awaited tho meo at a restaurant Emeu Eaton wm at Um farm af a relative at the lime After the robbery the three mea met the women and drove out to nee Ernest Eaton who wm given 80S The not of the mey wm divided among Lacier hlancM and Elmer Eaton The group then divided driving away ia three ear Cook's account continued Lacier and the Berdion woman were picked up at a roadblock south of London and Elmer Eaton Msdcm and Hie Gallo woman were arrested at a Norther Kentucky motel Moot of ite money wm found to possession of these five Escaped Jal Ernest Eaton abo wm arrested and was takes to jail la Richmond He escaped Dee 8 aad was recaptured a short time later Rubin Grlffla and Alvin Trigg Lexington court-appointed attorneys spoke yesterday to behalf of the defendants Trigg Mid Manrso had no intention of taking put hi the robbery when to come to Kentucky adding that to took an active rote In making the plana but decided at tho test touts to tote put Griffis Mid lliat Ernest Eatoo wm hb own business'' to Covington when the group rune there and led him" into the affair He described the man's rote in that he took no actual pert to the robbery and received only 800 of Hie loot Elmer Eatoo abo asked far 0m I BMk Ns TUa Saatteol Opposes Bill To Decontrol Gas At Watts Vone Calls 8 id Chicago each received concurrent 5-yeur tenna the two charge Ernest Gene Ealoa 8 a brother of Elmer Eaton was gives a 10-year teem for robbery a 5 year term for conspiracy and a 1-yrar sentence far escaping custody the longer terms eon- Black Lewis Appointed To County Posts Fayrttf Fiscal Court appointed William Black as county in-drxer and Joseph Lewis as public administrator and guardian at ho meeting yesterday Both the appointees art Democratic aflorneys Black replace RepnMIroa Wheeler Boone to the Indexing port He will to paid 88 month Ilia appoint meat runs Indefinitely Lewis who will to paid tees from the estates he kindles sue-reads Republican Collin lie wm appointed far a I wo year term The court set on informal dio ciua too meeting for I pm next Monday official state holiday to study Ite county's 187-8 budget County Judge Bart Peak mm Treasurer William Wheeler would meet with the court thru to give report oo tho first half of the fiscal year and to bring the court member up to date on county tacrine and spending At the court session yesterday Wheeler told the new members: far revenue Is concerned we're to good shape I'm sure we'll collect everything we set eat to the budget" He noted however that some expenditure ore naming higher than anticipated fire deportment may rate out about eves" to Mid the road department may go over What the police department dor will depend on what Hie shrrtfs office can do to help with that payroll" Tho treasurer also Mid that expenditures for hospital care for tadldrats running high" On the recommends! too of Commissioner Marshall the court decided to tsk Henry Vickers to earate a tenant house ou Hie county's Cbm Rood prop-(SM I Bate fan TOIa SmUm) Hen Is Staggered By Enormous Egg KOKOMO Ind Jaa 17 IF-A ton at nearby RusaiaviUe has produced aa egg id tremendous proportions hut the effort wm nearly too much far tor The White Rock's owner Omcr Bauer said that when ha walked to the chicken mop the valient fowl wm on tor hack with both feet sticking straight up to Urn air" Examination showed the egg sighed five and nina-tentha about three times normal slM measured inches around from end to end Asm her egg complete with yolk wm found Htaidok The five-pound hen since named Myrtle to distinguish her torn birds of loser prowess finally regained to feet and staggered probably 'receiving to stick to normal production from now FRANKFORT Ky Jan 17 1-Hlghway Commissioner James Martin today announced tenUUlvn highway construction program tavolving fatal of 8 miles Martin arid the program stk maud to cost about 18 million dollars fa wo expect to to tho railing af bids in tte tint half af 181 on federal aid highwnyo other than rural roads The Highway Department Holed 8 ((retches of Interstate superhighways Some of the projects could be affected by seek dlfficuL ties obtaining righto of way Martin euHIhed the projects aad dates when bids will bo called ns follows: Fete Mi hlereer Ky IS1 two and four lanes from Cornbhvilb Street ta Hsrrodsbugg to one and five-tenths miles south of McAfee four and two-teolho miles grade drain nod high typo euifi Lincoln end Psteiki Ky Eubank new Fond two lanes from Ky IB 3400 fact southeast ef Casey County line to Pulaski County line four miles grade drain end high type surface Perry From East Main and Ms pin Streets ia Haxard to 38 feet cart ef bridge ever Kentucky River flve-tenthe mile grade drain end high type surface March Laurel From near northern cky limits of Corbin to one and three-tertha miles north art of LUy two lanes six miles ide draia and high type surface Jefferson County Louisvilto-Banbtowa Rood bum near Feg-enbusb Lane extending ooutheart a nttmbrr ef Kentucky cities ghd of Cincinnati met tors to organize for as all-out fight against passage of Ite MIL City Manager Herbert Frits Mid yesterday the Kentucky Mitnlcipal League serving (taring house for infbrmattee an-J ta sending to various cities enpir of reaoiutfoos opposing the llarrtoO'Hara BID These reso-lutfona are to to adopted by govern'd bodies and tent to their UJt senators and representatives The League's board of directors tart week went on record opposed to the bill Rep Watts Criticizes Ike's Farm Program WASHINGTON Jan 17 IF Rep Watt (D-Ky) Mid today the administration's farm program approved would bank nipt the tobacco farmer coot Watts said the President end secretory of agriculture wont to destray program that per cent af the tnfaacra farmers have voted for end we The admiabtratfae propones cutting tte price supput far hurley tobacco from tte present 90 per cent cf parity to per cent and to authorise Increased acreage allotments one end two-tenths miles grads drain and high type surface Jefferson County Louisville-Banbtown Road from east of tort listed prelect to Fendale Road four lanes two and seven-tenths miles grade drata end high type surface Jeffersou County Newburg Band Railroad overhead Monk 8: Franklin UA 460 four-lane bom UA 8 at Green Hill ta East Frankfort to flue-tenths mile east of Steedmontoa Lane one end four-tenths miles grade drain aad high type surface Boyd UA 8 ta Cat-let Uburg four-lane from south city limits af CetlctUburg to 34th Street flvetoaths mils grade draia sod high type surface Pike Pi keville bypass two-lane from Chtee Creek to near south cud of upper bridge across Big Si fthlh mile type surface Pike PikevIltoJenkina from wert end of Pikeville bypass near south end of upper bridge across Levba Fork of Big Sandy to a point' nine-tenth mite west of the beginning four-lane nine -tenth mile grade drata and hiri type surface April It Pulaski Bumside-Sflm-ereet US XT four-lane from end of aew coast ruction eight-tenth mL north af Pitman Creek bridge to hypese at Somerset four-and-three tenths miles grade drata and high type surface Pulaski Burnslde-Soin-erset XT bypass two additional lanes from Junction of Ky 8 and XT near west city limits af Somerset sad ending at junction of new A 37 (bypass) nod old 27 about five-tenth mL west of Somerset south city limits one -seven tenths miles grade drain and high type surface Jefferson Inner Belt (interchange at fairground airport entrances) lighting prfl lit kqrd County Catbttsburg-Loulsa Ky 3 future 8 two-lane from end of Improved section near Kavanaugh to south city limits cf Cattettsburg MJ miles grade drata and high type surface Franklin County GreenhU-Thorn hi four-lane from Ky 8 at Dailey Avenue to 00 near Elkhara school (U 8 65-Ky 8 CMUMCttea) ooe-fivetenths miles redo drain and high type surface Shelby Loutsvllte-Lex-tagton interstate from Jefferson County line to Joyce Station Road slx-slx-tenths miles grade and drain May Floyd County Prestons burg-Auxier road two-lane from 8 near earth city limits Prestons-burg to south end af bridge south Final Burley Sale Set Here Jan 30 The final Mb on thn Lexington hurley market wm act for Thursday Jen 8 by the Mbs committee of the Laxtagtax Tobacco Board of Trade et meet- yesterday Tte committee also voted to continue daily Mies on the market through next week except for next Thursday Jan the date of the scrap mIb Tws sets of buyers will operate on the market next week During tte following week only two sole will bo a sab os Monday Jan XT and the Anal Bate Jaa 8 A total of 414 JM pounds cf hurley add on the Lexington market ta sales- for $18 04914 aa average of 94791 The handle put the totals at 0IJM0J8 pound sold for $801)013278 a 8144 average During the five days of nates which ended yesterday the market moved 1751241 pound for 9673497 J5 aa average cf 949 Jt Ktadelberger told tte Investigators ncteutirta could and an object to the moon the power already sot" Bat to aaid will require a thrust of up to five million pound to end up a manned space plat- Has Enoagh Foods Secretary of the Air Force Douglae wm disclosed tea told the Boom Armed Services Committee that the Defease Depart ment hM enough funds to males satisfactory start" on devcL opment of an antimissile missile the No 1 defensive weapon of Um space age you ask me whether Um Defense Department will he back in the next couple of years far substantial -money with respect to ballistic missile defense I eer totally answer la the affirmative'' ha said ta tertlmony given Saturday and released today None of these witnesses far faction with the defense picture or with the way the United States is moving to meet Russia's apses Twining acknowledged Hut the Air Force budget now before Congress actually been pared Mow what I considered mini-essential a few mouths to" And he added: have said before (tore 'h element of risk ta ovary defense budget I will speak more plainly The Air Force budget as presented to yon today toe already been reduced to point which Itee In what I consider 'to to dangerous area" Dougtas told the senators guts and tan gobhiedegook" ta needed to develop intlmltilto mte- The Weather Abe see Wsettor Map as beck M9 ef this ssettee Bay Finn hr Xratuckr aM Tissmis: TmpmUm amass Hss Is Uw IqiM Sclow senul a San tar Lsxlnitsa ana Bat UK air-tw-aay chaaa aatu Iwa-laf a llttla warmer la wM-wast Tatal srselpttausa will asnrnaa IS la it aa Isah sees mas aa ee-CMMial Uahi UuwaheeS the Um Lexington Figures Highest temperature yesterday 8 degrees lowest 8 overage 31 normal 34 Highest end lowest an record for Jaa 17 7 ta IKS end four below sera hi ISIS Accumulated deficiency ta ten peratura since Jan 8 degrees Precipitation far 34-hour period ending at pm JB Total precipitation since Jan I it inch with accumulated deficiency cf 1 8 inches Humidity readings: 5 sm 95 per cent boob 31 per cent pjn 79 per cert San sets today at 5:8 pm (CDD rises Sunday at 7:51 ua Ml las nisStaw Atluta ST SS KiwpM 43 SI WaaaseS SS MlIwaukM a as 3S 3 Mpta-at Chtrasa 3 3MUw S3 3t ClncinnaU 33 I Osinas II 11 cwsslua IS 34 9fsw Task it 3 rar tl Osaka Dm Maton Jl 30 Fhaania-- 14 4 DalrsU il SMmsf! IS -I Pars i IS Mass 4 Part Waste SI 3 Sealtls 4 4t 33 3 Taw pa 41 Jacka'aTllla 34 WaakMstwi 31 San an 3 33 Wianipai 11 Lai inaaMa St periods of alack tax receipts and to allow for more economical ra-flnaartag of malurtof obligations Aaderaoa toM tho eommlttea that hr did not expect the debt to break through tho ITS-bilUoa-dullar level befata the cud UUs fiscal year Juoo to 1 "I Leaders Meet LONDON Jan iP-Fotelgu Secretary Setwya Lloyd coufened separately today with Dag Harm maraktold of the L'nxcd Nations and Christian Ptaosu af France disarms nieiu Eunpeaa and Middle Earn affairs Polaris Missile Launched CAPE CANAVERAL Jaa 17 IP -A Navy Polaris teat vehicle ballistic sund-ta -far the Navy's lJOSsnlto range submarine-launched miasile of Iht sear streaked sway from a launching pad tore almost fatter than the eye could follow today The vehicle was toe fast and toe small area from a distance of Hires or four for Hi identity to be lecogotird from ISM Catawo A earn ha TMs SmUm) 'Drunknets' Suspended By Sturgill LOUISVILLE Ky Jaa 17 IP Commissioner Don Sturgill -today ordered aa end to "drankorto" and other types af roadblocks pending a ruling on their legality The set too came after Criminal Court Judge Curtis dismissed a drunken driving indictment against Howard A Burk-land today ruling roadblocks arm Illegal Sturgill informed of ruling Mid ha win uk the Court af Appeals far aa opinion and aha request the Legislative Research Commission to consider asking the Legislature to change the law to specifically permit Buie Police to set up roadblocks Burk land was arrested June 187 at a Slate Police roadblock but was released by two Jefferson County policemen who Mid they didn't think to was drunk Sturgill tsld that under Curtis' order will have to dissolve roadblocks set up to try to apprehend" several suspected tank rubbers in the Pate sow lie Mid Hie ante purpose of roadblocks to save A second indictment agalnrt Burklaad paying money to a peaea officer from other than public funds-also was distnlsaed today by Curtis attorneys claimed payment to a county police sergeant arm ant secret and arm for work the sergeant did far Burklaad after hours Bar Association Sets Annual Dinner jan 29 Members af the Kentucky Court of Appeals trill be honored at the annual dinner of the Fayette County Bar Association Jaa 8 The dinner oet for 7 pm at the Lafayette lintel will fallow a sueisl hour which will begin at 5:10 pm Ally Tom 8 Waller Paducah will be Hie principal opeaker The bar aaaocialioo will hold Hi annual election of officers at 11:8 am Jan II In Hie circuit courtroom William -Swlnford president Mid yesterday Congressman John Wslt yesterday assured Mayor Shelby O'ltera BUI sow before Um Houm Kinkcad that he (Watts) ta At the mum time Klnkend sent working far the defeat ef the wire to Senators Jobs Sherman HnrrbCHare Bill which would remove eoutrote ef gM at the wellhead The usurance wm contained to telegram ta answer to a wire oent earlier yesterday by Mayer Kinkcad In hb telegram the mayor said natural gas farces are at work again Kentucky dties bug with other cities throughout Um not Ion era Joining In continual to of the fight against control at the well head Oo behalf of goo users ta Lexington ad Central Keotucky 1 request your continued support ef Ite fight against the entrenched interest promoting" the Harris- Cooper end Thrastae Morton asking them' to legbte-tioa designed to farther increase the gM bllb of the people ef Kentucky end ta fact the ea tiro Batten" He urged the senator i to bo vigilant against a gas lobby more ta the Senate similar to that ta the House move that tacreoss domestic gM bUte ta our rteto" Watts' reply: end our folks may rest assured of my coast ant aad uninterrupted effort ta an endeavor ta Insure defeat of the present mralled Hereto O'Hera BUI sr similar measures asking Um same object Last week representatives ef Pike Count Pikeville-Will law-son Roed two lane from Pike-vtlb bypass and extending toward Williamson to existing concrete pavement 11 miles grade drata end high type surface Boyd Thirteenth Street la Ashland four lane from Pair fax Drive to Dougtea Street mile grade drain and high type surface Frank 11 o-Woodford counties Frankfort-Veraailles lane 8 mites grade drata and high type surface Jefferson County Inner heR line ta Louisville two additional tones Bardstawn Road to UA 60 12 miles grade drain aad high type surface (interstate) Jefferson County Inner bek line ta Louisville (interstate) tad lighting Kenton Covingtou-Lex-tagtou six lane from Mapta Avenue ta Covington to Boone County Mae 41 mites grade and drata Jons Fayette County Lextagtoa-Harrodsburg UA 8K four lane from Pyfce Road to near Cardinal Lane 17 miles grade drata aad high type surface BoooeGnnt countiee Coring-toa-Lexingtoa eta lane- from Boone County line to Richwood 01 miles grade aad drain inter tote Montgomery Lexington-Catbttsburg four lane interstate from Clark County Ran to Ewtag-too miles grade and drata Jhm 8: Boone-Kcatoa counties Cov-ingtco-Lexingtou! tlx lane later state from Richmond to Waltce 9-4 miles grade and drata July 11: Boyb-Mereer Ky IS tws 1mm Harradsburg-Daavllla from end of F2M(1 11 miles north of county line to 4J00 fart north of north city limits of Danville 4J mites grade drata aad high type surface Hardta-Meade Eliia-bethtown-Louiivilte UA 21W four lane from north city limits Elizabethtown to IUddifh miles grade drain and high type surface Boooe-Gran Coving-toa-Lexingtoa four lane inter state Waltoa to Crittenden five and seven tenths mites grade aad drain Franklin County Louisvills-Lexington Shelby Qo to new Ky (Im CM BmS hn TMs Initial 0040000000000000000000 The Shoot In Brief What: Turkey shoot Where: 273 Wert Meta When: Today 8 am mtil Interest lags Who: The public invited Why: TO help Fayette County March of Dimes Weapon: Longbows short-hows and craasbows Tab: Five shots far 8 tests Prises: Turkeys hams ducks badminton seta and otter sr-tlcies Spoolers: Lexington YeomM Club and Eaglet Motorcycle Club K0M009CCM00CC0C0449I Committee To Study Space Problem Facing Courthouse Allocation of space ta 1 county courthouse will be rtudtad as oooe could be determined hy a special mmmHtae to be ep- what tho cost would be aad who pointed noon by County Judge ohouldpayR The ettemeyi pointed out that Bert Peak Peak announced yesterday that he planned to name the commute He Mid would be mode up of represent olive of Fayette Fiscal Court end representatives ef all offices ta the courthouse The announcement wm mads at as informal meeting of several attorneys with Peak sad Own-miMioners loach aad Bentos The lawyers asked the Fbral Court members to meet with them ta the vault af tte eounty clerk'o office to discuss indexing storage and repair of records Peak told Um attorneys that: 1 The space problem would to studied and any passible Botina would be token ta remedy the present crowded conditions ta the clerk's office 1 Indexing would to kept up lb date ta the future 3 Records would be repaired all available space ta the vault ta filled and that about 8 books cf records are added each year "We may have to rearrange the whole building to get a mare equitable division of Peek said went the people who live ta the courthouse who have been tore a long Hoe to study the problem" The attorneys complained that Indexes of records Lave not teen kept current during tho part few yean Indexes far a year have act been available until about July of tho next year they Mid Peek told the lawyer that the Fbral Court bed appointed Wli-Item 8 Black to replace Wheeler Boone a eounty indexer Blech haa agreed to keep raid index oo monthly boob that the entire index tea bd ready wtthta about 8 (On CM Buk hn TMs 1 a-.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.